For the past five months it has tortured us with it's overtly masculine bouts of seizure-ish yelling, forced group discussions, activity books, and endless powerpoint slides about who knows what. This person can only be described as...well, ballsy. Not only for it's unwavering nerve to stand up against 19 angry teenagers, but also the fact that I am not quite sure what Ms. Brown is packin' down there.
According to Monster, "you have got to be the most complaining bunch of teenagers I have ever seen in my life." Thank you! I consider complaining what I do best (Duchess of Complaining, if you will). And yes, I am mere weeks from graduating, so sorry I do NOT care about crustaceans and/or estuaries...KAPEESH!?
Monster was not only mean, rude, and inconsiderate...but she (??) was INCREDIBLY butch. When asked about our thoughts about Monster, a male in my class responded, "I would make a prettier girl than Ms. Brown."
Ahh yes, how I love brutal honesty.
Other comments included:
1. She has a terrible personality
2. I hope to God she doesn't reproduce
3. Wait, she wants to teach?
4. SHE'S GONE!!!!
5. I saw her at Busch Gardens once. Touching the horses.
6. She probably dates that other butchy student teacher.
7. What was her name??
All very constructive criticism, good work Marine Biology class. You never cease to impress me.
Also, shout-out to Mr. Heiser if he actually reads this.