Friday, June 12, 2009

I Believe in Al Gore

Al Gore, you are correct. Global Warming is a problem. For my attitude.
Britni and I decided to walk the Nolan Trail this week. It was about 6pm so we figured the sun was going down and it would probably
start to cool down by the time we got there. I have never been so wrong about anything in my life.
First entering the trail we appeared to be well-groomed, civil, and educated young women. After finished the five mile pilgrimmage, we could sufficiently be described as "natural born amazon women" or maybe Neanderthals. We managed to become completely de-humanized while walking this trail... I think we actually got to a point where we had strayed off the trail and entered the set of Twilight.

As Britni's hair expanded in the humidity, minutes turned into hours. After an hour and a half of walking this trail, we finally found civilization again. We have decided we are too old for such nonsense and will not be participating in anymore nature walks.

Anyways, the instense heat lately has put me in a somewhat zombie-like sate. Or, as Bob would say, sluggish. I do not like the hot. I get cranky. I repeatedly complain that "It's so HOT." So for the benefit of everybody who comes into contact with me, I tend to stay inside for the majority of the day. Otherwise, I'd be like the "night seeker" in the link below....sizzling and hissing when the hot hot sun scorches my skin.

edit: Please note that the graduation gowns are also extremely hot and
probably made of sheeps wool. It will be interesting to see how my
mood holds up at William and Mary hall on Wednesday..